Digital Marketing For Grocery Store

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Grocery Store Marketing Plan

Opening a new grocery store requires effort, money, and time. More importantly, it is more time-consuming and precise to keep promoting it as a reputable brand and build a strong marketing strategy. So you have to convince people with a strong strategy to come to the door of your store and make them loyal to your brand. 

If you are also looking for a marketing plan for your grocery shop, you have come to the right destination. Here you will get all about increasing your leads and conversions. So let's get started. 

Design and Build an E-Commerce Website Specifically Tailored for a Grocery Store

In today's digital age, having an e-commerce website for your grocery store is essential to stay competitive and reach a wider customer base. Building an effective e-commerce website requires careful planning and a solid marketing strategy. In this sub-topic, we will explore the key considerations and steps involved in building an e-commerce website for a grocery store and how to develop a successful marketing strategy to drive traffic, increase conversions, and boost sales.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Before diving into building your e-commerce website, it's crucial to understand your target audience. Conduct market research to identify the demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors of your potential customers. This information will help you tailor your website and marketing efforts to appeal to your target audience effectively.

Creating a User-Friendly Website

To build a successful e-commerce website, prioritize user experience (UX) and make navigation easy for your customers. Optimize your website's design, layout, and overall functionality to ensure a seamless shopping experience. Focus on responsive design to accommodate mobile users, as many customers prefer to shop on their smartphones.

Showcasing Products Effectively

Your grocery store's e-commerce website should provide high-quality images and detailed descriptions of your products. Use professional product photography to showcase the items accurately and highlight their features. Organize your products into categories and implement search and filter options to make it easier for customers to find what they need.

Implementing Secure Payment Solutions

Security is paramount in e-commerce, especially when it comes to online payments. Integrate secure payment gateways and SSL certificates to ensure customer data protection and build trust. Offer multiple payment options, such as credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery, to cater to different customer preferences.

Implementing SEO Strategies

Optimizing your e-commerce website for search engines is crucial for driving organic traffic. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords and incorporate them into your product descriptions, titles, headings, and meta tags. Create unique and engaging content, such as blog posts or articles, related to groceries, cooking tips, or healthy eating to attract and engage customers.

Leveraging Social Media and Email Marketing

Promote your e-commerce website on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Create engaging content, run targeted ads, and share special offers or discounts to attract followers and drive traffic to your website. Collect customer email addresses and implement email marketing campaigns to keep them updated with new products, offers, and personalized recommendations.

Offering Discounts and Loyalty Programs

Implementing discounts, promotions, and loyalty programs can incentivize customers to choose your grocery store over competitors. Offer discounts on bulk purchases, provide free shipping for orders above a certain amount, or introduce a loyalty points system that rewards customers for repeat purchases. This strategy encourages customer loyalty and increases the chances of repeat business.

Analyzing and Optimizing Performance

Regularly analyze your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics. Monitor key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and bounce rates. Identify areas for improvement, test different marketing strategies, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your website's performance continually.

Marketing Strategies For Grocery Store

Implement Coupon Offers to Enhance Your Grocery Store Promotions

In the fiercely competitive grocery industry, it's crucial for stores to implement effective marketing strategies to attract and retain customers. One tried and true method that has stood the test of time is offering coupons. Coupons are an excellent tool for grocery stores to increase customer loyalty, drive sales, and gain a competitive edge. In this section, we'll explore why offering coupons is a powerful marketing strategy for grocery stores and how to effectively utilize them.

1. Attracting New Customers

Coupons are an attractive incentive for new customers to visit a grocery store. By offering discounts on popular or essential items, stores can entice potential shoppers who may not have visited otherwise. Additionally, digital coupons or codes shared online can widen the reach of the promotion and attract tech-savvy customers.

2. Increasing Customer Loyalty

Coupons not only attract new customers but also keep existing ones coming back. Loyalty programs that reward frequent shoppers with exclusive coupons or discounts create a sense of appreciation and encourage repeat business. Customer retention is vital in the grocery industry, and coupons can be a powerful tool to build lasting relationships with shoppers.

3. Upselling and Cross-Selling

Strategic coupon placement can be used to encourage customers to try new or premium products. For example, offering a discount on a complementary item when purchasing a specific product can lead to cross-selling opportunities. Additionally, enticing discounts on higher-priced items can persuade customers to trade up from their usual choices.

4. Seasonal and Holiday Promotions

Holidays and special occasions present excellent opportunities for coupon campaigns. Seasonal promotions, such as back-to-school or Thanksgiving offers, can align with customer needs and preferences. By tailoring coupon deals to the specific season, grocery stores can capture the attention of shoppers planning for particular events.

5. Digital Coupons and Mobile Apps

With the rise of digitalization, grocery stores can leverage mobile apps and websites to offer digital coupons. Mobile coupons are convenient for customers and allow stores to collect valuable data on consumer preferences and buying behavior. Personalized offers can be sent directly to customers through these digital channels, enhancing the effectiveness of coupon campaigns.

6. Partnering with Suppliers

Grocery stores can collaborate with suppliers to offer joint coupon promotions. Suppliers can provide financial incentives, and in return, stores can promote their products and drive sales. This mutually beneficial approach strengthens relationships with suppliers while benefiting both parties through increased sales and exposure.

7. Clear and Simple Terms

To ensure the success of coupon campaigns, it's essential to have clear and straightforward terms and conditions. Ambiguous or overly complicated rules can deter customers and lead to negative experiences. Transparent and easy-to-understand coupon policies will encourage customers to participate and redeem their discounts without hesitation.

8. Track and Measure Performance

Monitoring the performance of coupon campaigns is crucial to evaluate their effectiveness. Utilize sales data, customer feedback, and redemption rates to assess the impact of various coupon offers. This information can guide future marketing decisions and help optimize coupon strategies for better results.

Marketing Strategies For Grocery Store

Boost Brand Awareness with an Exciting Instagram Contest

Running an Instagram contest for your grocery store can be an excellent way to boost brand awareness, increase follower count, and drive foot traffic to your physical store or website. With a well-planned and executed contest, you can create buzz around your brand, encourage user-generated content, and ultimately, enhance customer loyalty. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to run a successful Instagram contest as part of your marketing strategy for your grocery store.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before starting an Instagram contest, clearly define your marketing objectives. Some common goals could include increasing follower count, promoting specific products or services, gathering user-generated content, or driving traffic to your website. By understanding your goals, you can tailor the contest to achieve the desired outcomes.

Step 2: Select the Type of Contest

There are several types of Instagram contests to choose from. Some popular options include:

a) Photo Contest: Participants share photos related to your grocery store or specific products, using a branded hashtag.

b) Caption Contest: Participants write creative and engaging captions for a photo you post.

c) Recipe Contest: Encourage users to share their favorite recipes using ingredients from your grocery store.

d) Like and Follow Contest: Ask users to like your post and follow your Instagram page to enter the contest.

Step 3: Set Clear Rules and Guidelines

Establish straightforward rules for your contest to ensure a smooth and fair process. Include details such as eligibility criteria, contest duration, entry requirements, and any restrictions. Additionally, specify how the winner will be chosen, whether it's through voting, a random draw, or based on your team's judgment.

Step 4: Create Engaging Visuals and Captions

Craft visually appealing and eye-catching graphics to promote your contest. Make sure the visuals align with your grocery store's branding and clearly communicate the contest details. Write compelling captions that encourage participation and explain the benefits of entering the contest.

Step 5: Promote Your Contest

Use various marketing channels, such as your other social media accounts, email newsletters, and in-store signage, to promote your Instagram contest. Encourage your existing customers to participate and share the contest with their friends and followers.

Step 6: Monitor and Engage

As the contest progresses, actively monitor entries, respond to comments, and engage with participants. Show appreciation for all the submissions and maintain a positive and enthusiastic tone throughout the contest duration.

Step 7: Announce the Winner and Reward

Once the contest ends, announce the winner publicly on your Instagram page and other social media platforms. Additionally, reach out to the winner privately to arrange the prize delivery or any further steps needed. Consider offering the winner a gift card, grocery store goodies, or a special discount as their reward.

Step 8: Evaluate the Results

After the contest, analyze the results to measure the success of your marketing strategy. Track metrics such as follower growth, engagement rates, and user-generated content. Use the insights gained to improve future contests and refine your overall marketing approach.

Host Engaging Facebook Contest for Grocery Store

Running a Facebook contest can be an effective marketing strategy for a grocery store to engage with customers, increase brand awareness, and drive foot traffic to the store. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to run a successful Facebook contest for your grocery store:

Define Your Objectives

Determine the specific goals you want to achieve through the contest. It could be increasing the number of followers, promoting a new product, generating user-generated content, or encouraging in-store visits.

Choose the Contest Type

Select a contest type that aligns with your objectives and resonates with your target audience. Some popular contest ideas for grocery stores include:

Recipe Contest: Ask participants to share their favorite recipes using products from your store.

Photo/Video Contest: Encourage customers to share pictures or videos of their shopping experiences or creative uses of your products.

Caption Contest: Post an image related to your grocery store and ask participants to come up with creative captions.

Lucky Draw: Run a giveaway where customers can enter for a chance to win a gift card or a grocery basket.

Set Clear Rules and Guidelines

Establish the contest rules, eligibility criteria, entry requirements, and deadlines. Clearly communicate these rules to avoid any confusion and ensure fair participation.

Create Eye-Catching Visuals

Design visually appealing graphics and images to promote the contest on your Facebook page. Ensure that the visuals represent your brand and convey the contest theme clearly.

Promote the Contest

Use Facebook ads, organic posts, and other marketing channels to promote the contest. Target your audience based on location, interests, and demographics to reach potential participants effectively.

Encourage User-Generated Content

If applicable to your contest, encourage participants to generate content related to your store, products, or shopping experience. User-generated content can create a buzz and build trust among your customers.

Monitor and Engage

Keep a close eye on the contest entries, comments, and messages. Respond to questions and comments promptly to show that you value customer engagement.

Select and Announce the Winners

Once the contest ends, select the winners based on the contest criteria and announce them on your Facebook page. Consider creating a video or a live event to make the announcement more exciting.

Reward Participants

Even if someone doesn't win the grand prize, consider offering small incentives or discounts to participants to encourage future engagement and loyalty.

Follow Up

After the contest, measure the performance and effectiveness of the campaign. Analyze the engagement, reach, and conversion metrics to assess the success of your Facebook contest. Learn from the results and use the insights to improve your future marketing strategies.

Personalize Email Coupons to Boost Grocery Store Loyalty

Sending customers special email coupons is a highly effective marketing strategy for a grocery store. Email marketing allows grocery stores to reach their existing customer base directly and incentivize them to make repeat purchases while attracting new customers. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to implement this strategy:

1. Building an Email List

Start by building an email list of your customers. You can collect email addresses through various channels such as customer sign-up forms at the checkout, website opt-in forms, and loyalty programs. Ensure that customers explicitly opt-in to receive marketing emails to comply with data privacy regulations.

2. Segmenting Your Audience

Segment your email list based on customer preferences, purchase history, demographics, and other relevant data. This will allow you to personalize the coupons and offers you send, increasing their relevance and effectiveness.

3. Creating Compelling Coupons

Design attractive and compelling coupons that offer real value to your customers. Consider discounts on popular items, BOGO (Buy One, Get One) offers, percentage discounts, or exclusive deals on new products. Make the expiration date visible, usually within a reasonable timeframe, to create a sense of urgency.

4. Personalization and Customization

Address your customers by their names in the email and use personalized product recommendations based on their previous purchases. The more tailored the coupons are to their preferences, the more likely they are to engage with the email and make a purchase.

5. Timing and Frequency

Be strategic about when and how often you send out email coupons. Sending too many emails can lead to customers unsubscribing or ignoring your messages. Aim for a balanced approach, such as weekly or bi-weekly, and consider sending coupons that align with seasonal or holiday promotions.

6. Mobile Optimization

Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly as many customers check emails on their smartphones. The content should be easily readable, and the coupon redemption process should be seamless on mobile devices.

7. A/B Testing

Experiment with different coupon types, subject lines, and layouts to understand what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to optimize your email campaigns over time.

8. Tracking and Analytics

Implement tracking mechanisms to measure the success of your email campaigns. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Analyze the data to identify trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

9. Customer Feedback and Surveys

Seek customer feedback through surveys to understand their preferences and gauge their satisfaction with the email coupon offers. Use this valuable input to refine your future email campaigns.

10. Compliance and Privacy

Ensure that your email marketing complies with relevant data protection laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). Provide clear options for customers to unsubscribe from your mailing list.

Increase Sales and Customer Retention Through a Dedicated Store App Card

Providing customers with an app card offers numerous benefits in terms of convenience, engagement, and customer loyalty. This subtopic explores the advantages and strategies involved in providing customers with an app card as part of the marketing strategy for a grocery store.

Enhancing Convenience

Mobile apps offer a convenient shopping experience by allowing customers to access the grocery store's offerings from anywhere and at any time.

Customers can browse through the product catalog, create shopping lists, and even make purchases directly through the app, eliminating the need to physically visit the store.

With app cards, customers can have a digital representation of the grocery store's app that they can easily access on their smartphones.

Personalized Recommendations and Offers

By utilizing customer data captured through the app, grocery stores can provide personalized recommendations based on past purchases, dietary preferences, and shopping habits.

App cards can feature personalized offers, discounts, and promotions, enticing customers to make repeat purchases and fostering loyalty.

Loyalty Programs and Rewards

App cards can be integrated with loyalty programs, allowing customers to accumulate points or earn rewards for their purchases.

Customers can view their loyalty points, track their progress, and redeem rewards directly from the app, creating a sense of exclusivity and incentivizing repeat visits.

Push Notifications and Communication

App cards enable the grocery store to send push notifications to customers, providing updates on new product arrivals, special offers, or upcoming events.

Regular communication through the app keeps customers engaged, increases brand awareness, and encourages them to stay connected with the grocery store.

Seamless Online and Offline Integration

App cards facilitate a seamless integration between online and offline shopping experiences.

Customers can add items to their shopping carts through the app and complete the purchase either online for delivery or in-store pickup.

In-store shopping can also be enhanced by providing app features like aisle navigation, real-time inventory availability, and personalized in-store offers.

Feedback and Reviews

App cards provide a platform for customers to leave feedback, ratings, and reviews, which can be valuable for the grocery store to improve its offerings and services.

Positive reviews and ratings on the app can attract new customers and enhance the store's reputation.

Data Collection and Analysis

App cards allow grocery stores to collect valuable data on customer preferences, purchase patterns, and demographics.

This data can be analyzed to gain insights into customer behavior, improve marketing campaigns, and tailor offerings to meet specific customer needs.

Marketing Strategies For Grocery Store

Tap into New Customer Bases Through Cross-Promotional Opportunities

Cross-promotion is a marketing strategy that involves collaborating with a partner to promote each other's products or services. For a grocery store, cross-promotion can be a powerful tool to increase brand visibility, attract new customers, and drive sales. By teaming up with a compatible partner, such as a local restaurant, a cooking school, or a nearby farmers' market, the grocery store can leverage the partnership to create mutually beneficial marketing campaigns. Here's how to effectively implement cross-promotion as part of the marketing strategy for a grocery store:

Identify the Right Partner

Choose a partner whose target audience aligns with your grocery store's customer base. Look for businesses that complement your offerings and share similar values. For example, partnering with a health food restaurant or a meal prep service can be ideal if your grocery store focuses on organic and healthy products.

Develop a Shared Campaign

Work together with your partner to create a cohesive and engaging marketing campaign. This could involve joint advertising efforts, social media promotions, email newsletters, or even co-hosted events. The campaign should highlight the benefits of both businesses and encourage customers to visit both establishments.

Offer Exclusive Discounts and Promotions

Incentivize customers to take advantage of the cross-promotion by offering exclusive discounts or promotions that can only be redeemed when they visit both businesses. For example, customers who make a purchase at the grocery store could receive a coupon for a discount at the partner restaurant, and vice versa.

Create Co-Branded Content

Develop co-branded content that showcases how your grocery store's products can be used in conjunction with the partner's offerings. This could include recipe collaborations, cooking demonstrations, or blog posts featuring both businesses' products.

Utilize Social Media and Influencers

Leverage the power of social media by cross-promoting each other's content and engaging with each other's followers. Consider collaborating with local influencers who can help spread the word about the partnership and attract a broader audience.

Host Joint Events

Organize joint events or workshops that combine the expertise of both businesses. For instance, a cooking class where participants learn to prepare a dish using ingredients from your grocery store, paired with a wine selection from a nearby winery or a cheese tasting session from a local dairy.

Measure and Analyze Results

Track the performance of the cross-promotion campaign to determine its effectiveness. Analyze sales data, customer feedback, and any other relevant metrics to understand the impact of the partnership and identify areas for improvement.

Maintain the Relationship

A successful cross-promotion partnership doesn't have to end after a single campaign. Nurture the relationship with your partner and explore opportunities for future collaborations. Establishing a long-term partnership can lead to ongoing benefits for both businesses.

Monitor Your Customers' Purchasing Patterns for Valuable Insights

Understanding what your customers buy, when they buy it, and their shopping preferences allows you to tailor your offerings, promotions, and overall shopping experience to meet their needs and drive customer loyalty. Here are some key points to consider when implementing a customer shopping habits tracking system:

1. Customer Loyalty Programs

Implement a customer loyalty program that offers rewards or discounts based on the customer's shopping behavior. Encourage customers to sign up for the program by providing incentives, and use the data gathered from their purchases to personalize future offers and promotions.

2. Data Collection and Analysis

Utilize modern technology to collect and analyze data on customer purchases. This can include point-of-sale systems, customer surveys, mobile apps, or even loyalty cards. Analyzing this data can provide insights into customer preferences, popular products, and trends.

3. Segmentation

Group customers into different segments based on their shopping habits and preferences. This segmentation allows you to target specific groups with relevant marketing campaigns and personalized offers.

4. Personalized Recommendations

Leverage the data collected to provide personalized product recommendations to customers. Whether through email, SMS, or mobile apps, offering product suggestions based on their previous purchases can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

5. Seasonal and Trend Analysis

Analyze shopping habits during different seasons and identify emerging trends. This information will help you adjust your inventory and marketing strategies to meet changing demands.

6. Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Create targeted marketing campaigns based on customer shopping habits. For example, if certain customers regularly purchase organic products, you can send them exclusive offers or content related to organic products.

7. In-Store Experience

Utilize technology such as beacons or RFID tags to track customer movements within the store. Understanding which sections or products attract the most attention can help optimize store layouts and product placements.

8. Feedback and Surveys

Encourage customers to provide feedback through surveys or online reviews. This direct input can help you understand their preferences and pain points, allowing you to make necessary improvements.

9. Predictive Analytics

Use predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and behaviors. Predictive models can help you forecast demand, plan promotions, and optimize inventory levels.

10. Privacy and Data Security

Be transparent with customers about your data collection practices and assure them of their data's security. Respect their privacy and use the information ethically and responsibly.

Marketing Strategies For Grocery Store

Utilize Google and Facebook Ads for Better Online Exposure

Google and Facebook are two powerful advertising platforms that can significantly boost the visibility and success of a grocery store's marketing campaign. In this section, we will explore how to leverage Google and Facebook ads as part of an integrated marketing approach for a grocery store.

Understanding Google Ads for Grocery Stores

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an advertising service provided by Google that allows businesses to display their ads on Google's search engine results page and other partner websites. Here's how grocery stores can make the most of Google Ads:

a. Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords related to groceries and the store's offerings. Focus on location-based keywords to target local customers effectively.

b. Local Extensions: Utilize location extensions to show the store's address and contact information in the ads. This feature helps potential customers find the store easily and encourages foot traffic.

c. Product Listing Ads (PLAs): Implement Product Listing Ads to showcase specific grocery items with images, prices, and descriptions. PLAs increase the visibility of products and drive more qualified traffic to the store.

d. Ad Scheduling: Optimize ad performance by setting specific schedules for displaying ads. Promote special offers during peak shopping hours or days to maximize the impact of the ads.

Leveraging Facebook Ads for Grocery Stores

Facebook Ads offer a unique opportunity to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, making them an essential component of the grocery store's marketing strategy:

a. Targeted Audiences: Utilize Facebook's targeting options to reach the store's ideal audience. Segment audiences based on location, age, interests, and shopping behavior to ensure relevant ad delivery.

b. Engaging Visual Content: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase the grocery store's products and promotions. Eye-catching visuals are more likely to grab users' attention and drive engagement.

c. Promotions and Offers: Create exclusive promotions and offers tailored for the Facebook audience. Limited-time discounts or freebies can entice potential customers to visit the store or make online purchases.

d. Facebook Events: Host Facebook Events for in-store promotions, seasonal sales, or community initiatives. Events can generate buzz, encourage social sharing, and foster a sense of community around the grocery store.

Integrating Google and Facebook Ads

To maximize the impact of the marketing strategy, it's crucial to integrate Google and Facebook Ads cohesively:

a. Remarketing: Implement remarketing strategies on both platforms to re-engage with website visitors who didn't convert into customers initially. This will keep the store fresh in their minds and encourage them to return.

b. Consistent Messaging: Maintain a consistent brand message and visuals across both Google and Facebook ads. Consistency helps reinforce the store's image and builds trust among potential customers.

c. Tracking and Analytics: Utilize tracking pixels and conversion tracking to measure the performance of ads on both platforms. Analyzing data will provide valuable insights to optimize future campaigns.

Have a giveaway at a major holiday

Holiday seasons are prime opportunities to attract shoppers looking to celebrate and indulge in festive treats and meals. By organizing a well-planned and appealing giveaway, your grocery store can stand out from competitors and create a memorable shopping experience for customers.

Benefits of Having a Giveaway at a Major Holiday:

Increased Foot Traffic

Holidays are times when people tend to visit grocery stores more frequently to stock up on festive supplies and groceries for gatherings. A giveaway can incentivize potential customers to choose your store over others, leading to increased foot traffic during the holiday season.

Brand Awareness

Hosting a holiday giveaway creates buzz around your grocery store and enhances brand awareness. As customers talk about the exciting giveaway, word-of-mouth marketing can reach a wider audience, including potential new customers.

Customer Loyalty and Retention

Engaging your existing customers with a holiday giveaway can strengthen their loyalty to your store. A well-executed giveaway can make shoppers feel appreciated, encouraging them to return to your store for future holiday shopping needs.

Social Media Engagement

Giveaways are highly shareable content, especially on social media platforms. Encouraging participants to share the giveaway on their profiles can significantly increase your store's online presence and attract new followers.

Data Collection

Hosting a giveaway allows you to collect valuable customer data, such as email addresses, preferences, and demographics. This data can be used for future marketing efforts and personalized promotions.

Tips for Organizing a Successful Holiday Giveaway:

Define Clear Objectives

Determine the specific goals of your holiday giveaway, whether it's to increase sales, attract new customers, or reward loyal ones. Clear objectives will help you tailor the giveaway to achieve the desired outcomes.

Choose the Right Holiday

Select a major holiday that aligns with your target audience and the products you offer. For example, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's Eve are popular choices for grocery store giveaways.

Select Prizes Wisely

The prizes should resonate with your target customers and be relevant to the holiday theme. Consider offering gift baskets filled with holiday goodies, free turkeys, or discounts on festive items.

Promote Early and Consistently

Start promoting the giveaway well in advance to build excitement. Utilize various marketing channels, including social media, email newsletters, in-store posters, and flyers.

Ensure Easy Participation

Make it simple for customers to enter the giveaway, whether it's through an online form, in-store entry box, or by making a qualifying purchase.

Follow Legal Regulations

Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations related to giveaways and promotions to avoid any legal issues.

Leverage Social Media

Encourage participants to share their excitement about the giveaway on social media using branded hashtags or by tagging your store's account.

Marketing Strategies For Grocery Store


These marketing strategies will help grow your grocery store and engage customers. A grocery store will return a lot if it is marketed with the best practices mentioned in the article. Let us know if you want a brief discussion of your scenario.