Email Writing

from $300.00 every month
  • Define email topics

  • Subject lines

  • Email writing

  • Banner design

  • Strong Call to action


Why Email Marketing?

In order to increase sales, you need a systematic approach that leverages multiple communication channels to convert prospects into customers.

Email is still the most effective way to reach customers, subscribers, and followers. It is no secret that email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools. It puts customer communication in the customer’s hands, still provides an opportunity for solid, timely follow up and conversion support.

Our Sellers create email marketing funnels that deliver results and grow your business. Rather than just throwing sales tactics at the wall, we take a more intelligent approach, creating an on-going series of automated emails that nurture leads through different stages of the buying cycle, ensure your visitors and social media followers never miss out on your special offer.

Our Process:

Step1. Define Email Topics/ Subject Lines

Before start writing an email, take a step back and think about what you want to say. What is the purpose of the email? What are you trying to achieve? Once you have a clear understanding of the purpose of the email, you can start crafting the perfect subject line. The subject line is one of the most important parts of an email. It's your first chance to make a good impression and get your message across. A well-written subject line can be the difference between an email that gets read and one that gets ignored.

Step2. Prepare Email Content

Consider your audience and what would be most important or interesting to them. Once you have a clear idea of your purpose and message, we can begin crafting your email. Start by creating a subject line that accurately reflects the contents of your email. Then, move on to the body of the email. Keep your language concise and straightforward, and avoid adding unnecessary fluff or filler. Get to the point quickly and be sure to proofread your email before hitting send. By taking the time to prepare your email content in advance, you can ensure that your message is clear and effective.

Step3. Design Email Template Or HTML

Assuming you have completed steps 1 and 2, it's now time to design your email template. This is where we decide on the overall layout, colors, and branding for your email. We’ll also create any graphics or other elements that you want to include.

Step4. Client Approval

After the draft is complete, we send it to the client for approval. The client has the opportunity to request changes, and we make those changes before sending the final email. Once the client approves the email, we schedule it to be sent at a time that is best for their business.

Step5. Improvements and delivery

Assuming you're happy with the email draft, the next step is to make improvements and delivery.We'll work with you to make any necessary changes to improve the effectiveness of your email. This may include things like:- refining the content- making sure the layout is clear and easy to read- ensuring that all links are working- checking for spelling and grammar errorsOnce we've made the improvements, we'll deliver the final email to you so you can send it out to your customers.

5 Benefits of Email Marketing For Businesses

1. Improve engagement

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to improve engagement with your target audience. By sending regular updates and promotions, you can keep your customers and prospects informed about your latest products and services. Additionally, email marketing can help you build relationships with your customers and generate repeat business.

2. Improve brand recall and recognition

By staying in touch with your customers and prospects on a regular basis, you can keep your brand top of mind and ensure that people think of you first when they need your products or services. There are a number of ways to use email marketing to improve brand recall and recognition, including:

1. Use a consistent sender name and email address. When people see your sender name and email address in their inbox on a regular basis, they will start to recognize it and associate it with your brand. Make sure to use the same sender name and email address for all of your email communications to create this association.

2. Use a consistent template. People will also start to recognize your brand if you use the same template for all of your email communications. Having a consistent template makes it easy for people to identify your emails, even if they don’t open them right away.

3. Use branding elements in your emails. Make sure to use your company logo, colors, and tagline in all of your email communications. This will help reinforce your brand identity every time someone sees one of your emails.

4. Send timely and relevant content. In order for people to really engage with your emails, you need to make sure you’re sending them timely and relevant content that they’re interested in reading. If you can do

3. Learn about your customers

By sending out regular newsletters, you can keep them updated on your latest products and services, as well as any special offers or discounts you may be running. You can also use email to conduct customer surveys and get valuable feedback that you can use to improve your business. Plus, with the help of email marketing software, you can easily track who is opening and clicking through your emails, so you can gauge what type of content is most popular with your audience.

4. More leads and conversions

By building a list of subscribers and sending out targeted emails, businesses can reach a wider audience and generate more leads. Additionally, email marketing can help to convert leads into customers, as well as customers into repeat buyers. In order to maximize the benefits of email marketing, businesses should focus on building a large list of subscribers. They should also send out targeted emails that are relevant to their target audience. Additionally, businesses should make sure to include a call to action in their emails so that leads can be converted into customers.

5. Earn backlinks

Having a strong email marketing strategy is important for any business, but there are some additional benefits that can be reaped by those who implement an email marketing plan. One such benefit is the ability to earn backlinks. Backlinks are an important part of any SEO strategy, as they help to improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages. By including links to your website in your email newsletters, you can encourage recipients to click through to your site and learn more about your products or services. In addition to helping with your SEO efforts, backlinks can also lead to increased traffic and brand exposure for your business. When people click on the links in your emails and visit your website, they'll be more likely to remember your brand and recommend it to others. Earned backlinks are a valuable asset for any business, so if you're not already using email marketing, now is the time to start!

9 Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Welcome and Confirmation Emails

Welcome emails are a great way to introduce yourself and your brand to new subscribers. They should be concise, personal, and include a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage the recipient to explore your website or take advantage of a special offer.

Confirmation emails are sent after someone takes an action on your website, such as subscribing to your email list, making a purchase, or requesting more information. They should thank the subscriber for taking the action and provide next steps, such as instructions on how to use a product or access content. Confirmation emails can also be used to upsell related products or services.

  • Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are automated messages that are sent to customers after they take a specific action. For example, an order confirmation email is sent after a customer makes a purchase, or a shipping notification email is sent when their order ships.Transactional emails typically have high open and click-through rates because they are timely and relevant to the customer. They can also be highly personalized, which further increases their effectiveness.There are many different types of transactional emails, but some of the most common include order confirmation, shipping notification, password reset, and account activation.If you're looking to improve your email marketing campaigns, consider adding some transactional emails to your mix. They can be highly effective at driving engagement and sales.

  • Lead Nurturing Emails 

Lead nurturing emails are a key part of any inbound marketing strategy. By definition, lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel, and email is one of the most effective ways to do this.The goal of lead nurturing emails is to build trust and credibility with your leads, and to keep your brand top-of-mind as they move through the sales funnel. In order to be effective, lead nurturing emails need to be targeted, relevant, and engaging.Some ideas for lead nurturing email campaigns include:

1. Welcome emails: Send a warm welcome to new leads with a series of introductory emails.

2. Educational emails: Send helpful articles, ebooks, and other resources that educate leads on your product or service.

3. Customer testimonials: Share positive customer experiences and testimonials to build social proof.

4. Case studies: Showcase how your product or service has helped others achieve their goals.

5. Free trials: Offer free trials or demos of your product or service to encourage leads to take the next step.

6. Discounts and coupons: Provide exclusive discounts and coupons to encourage leads to buy now.

7. Product updates: Keep leads updated on new product features and releases.

8. Industry news: Share relevant industry news and insights to show that you're an expert in your field.

  • Newsletters

A newsletter is a great way to keep your customers and followers updated on what’s new with your business. You can use newsletters to promote new products, share recent news, and give sneak peeks into upcoming events.

  • Product/ Service updates

Product updates are a great way to keep your customers in the loop about what's new with your business. By sending out regular updates, you can build customer loyalty and keep them coming back for more. There are a few different types of product updates you can send:

1. New product announcements - let your customers know about any new products or services you're offering.

2. Price changes - keep your customers updated on any changes in pricing for your products or services.

3. Promotions and discounts - let your customers know about any special promotions or discounts you're offering on your products or services.

4. Shipping updates - keep your customers updated on any changes in shipping times or rates.

5. Order status updates - let your customers know the status of their orders, from confirmation to shipping to delivery.

6. Customer service updates - let your customers know how to reach customer service if they have any questions or concerns.

7. FAQs - provide answers to commonly asked questions about your products or services.

8. How-tos - share helpful tips and tricks on using your products or services.

  • Seasonal or Promotional Emails

As the name implies, seasonal or promotional emails are sent to promote a specific event or product. They can be used to announce a sale, highlight a new product, or simply remind customers that an event is coming up. Seasonal emails can be sent at any time of year, but they are most common around holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. Promotional emails, on the other hand, are typically sent during specific sales periods or to promote a new product launch. When crafting a seasonal or promotional email, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. What type of event or sale would they be interested in? What kind of language will resonate with them? And most importantly, how can you make your email stand out in a crowded inbox? With careful planning and consideration, your seasonal or promotional email can be a powerful marketing tool.

  • Invitations

Invitation emails are a great way to increase awareness for an event or promotion, and can be highly effective in driving up attendance or sales

  • Review and Feedback Emails

Assuming you're happy with the results of your email marketing campaign, the next step is to gather feedback and reviews from your recipients. This can be done through a simple review or feedback email.A review email simply asks your recipients to leave a review of your product or service on a specific platform, such as Google, Yelp, or Amazon. A feedback email, on the other hand, asks your recipients to provide feedback on their experience with your product or service.This feedback can be used to improve future email marketing campaigns. It's also a good way to build relationships with your customers and get them more involved in your brand.

  • Cart Abandonment Emails

Cart abandonment emails are one of the most effective types of email marketing campaigns. They are sent to customers who have started the checkout process on your website but have not completed the purchase. These emails usually contain a reminder of the items in their cart, as well as a special offer or discount to encourage them to complete the purchase. Cart abandonment emails can be highly effective, with some studies showing that they can increase conversion rates by up to 20%. If you're not already using cart abandonment emails, now is the time to start. They are an easy and effective way to boost your sales and grow your business.